Originally formed by Marsha P. Johnson and Sylvia Rivera in 1969 after the Stone Wall Riots, STAR(R) was one of the first Trans led organizations to help New York City’s Trans, Gender Non Conforming, and Sex Worker folx in acquiring immediate daily needs such as housing, food, and community. In addition to mutual aid work, STARR also fought for laws protecting TGNC and Sex Worker folx in addition to battling their own homelessness, and discrimination within the LGBTQ+ community.

Today, Strategic Transgender Alliance for Radical Reform extends Sylvia and Marsha’s legacy by building lasting and productive bonds between other existing organizations, action groups, political and non-political lobbying entities, public corporations, sovereign governments and individuals involved in the global human rights movement. Over 50 years later, STARR still upholds their main efforts of giving immediate needs to the TGNC community; a roof over their heads, food in their bellies, and a family to count on!

STARR is here to coordinate potent actions that lead to lasting change in law and policy; with the goal of creating a safe global society for Transgender, gender queer people or anyone who lives outside of the gender binary; in appearance, action or identity.


Who can join STARR?

General Membership & Official Allies: STARR, as an organization, is open to anyone who wishes to join. We are above all an "Alliance" of activists and advocates. One need not attend a physical meeting to join STARR. Simply contact a local Chapter head, any individual on the CRR Committee, as well as any head of any other STARR committee if you wish to join STARR. However, we do suggest that all members join the national STARR registry so that they can be informed and effective members of the alliance.

What the Trans Rights Movement?

The Transgender rights movement started due to police brutality and societal ostracizing towards the LGBTQ+ community, particularly the Trans and Gender Non Conforming folx. The movement sought to eliminate discrimination and violence against transgender and gender non conforming people regarding housing, employment, public accommodations, education, and health care. This is a fight we are still currently battling in 2021.

How can I support the Trans Rights Movement?

Become a STARR ally today! You can help by donating or volunteering at one of our events.

What is a STARR Ally?

An official STARR Ally is any group, business, or individual who supports STARR, its members or its Mission. If a group, business or individual wishes to become an official STARR Ally, they must contact the local Community Relations and Recruitment Committee.

What is a STARR Chapter?

STARR chapters are loosely structured grassroots organizations whose administration, for scenarios which require it, will consist of all members of the “Community Relations and Recruitment (CRR) Committee”, and the acting heads of each other committee. All questions, concerns and other official business or decisions of the Chapter must be submitted in writing or email to, and be decided by at least 3 members of National Leadership.